The Woman Behind Operation
Freedom Paws
By: Mary Lynly
She served nine years
in the Army where she
learned to train dogs. Her
love for animals and the
plight of the wounded
warrior helped her parlay
her knowledge into form-
Operation Freedom
training dogs to work
with Vets and Vets to work
with their dog. Her man-
tra: ―Four paws, two feet,
one team navagating life together.‖
Mary Cortani was nominated for CNN
Heroes, people who have accomplished
notable feats, and is now among the top
ten nominees. Depending on votes there
is a possibility of winning $50,000 to
$250,000 for her organi-
Mary’s name and
position on CNN Heroes
was sent to me from
Donna Morales of San
Jose. Donna is a long-
time promoter of bowling
and is well known for her
tireless coordination of groups to bowl in every manner of tourna-
ment. Mary is a bowler and says she has bowled on and off most of
her life and steadily the last 14 years – thanks to Donna keeping her
involved in the tournaments! A 164 average bowler, Mary is a mem-
ber of the San Jose USBC and the San Jose 500 Club. Born and
raised in Santa Cruz she now resides in Gilroy, California.
Selection of a Vet to participate in the program is according to an
application process stemming from a doctor’s reference and if chosen
they must commit to the program. She says,
Every day is a heart
rending experience watching the progress of the Vet with their dog.‖
Many feel they are still in a combat zone and have lost the will to
exist and for many it is the invisible wounds. The dogs keep them
grounded and give them purpose. The animals come from shelters
and rescue groups and
Operation Freedom Paws
help them navigate
life together.
Operation Freedom Paws
is a non-profit organization, and since
has paired dogs with 80 Vets who have visible wounds such as
post traumatic distress disorder. Bowlers everywhere could make it
possible for Mary to get support for this worthy project by voting for
every day!
Go to CNNHeroes.com and click on Vote and then
Mary Cortani’s picture – put in your email and follow directions. You
can vote 10 times each day – let’s do it!
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