- JANUARY 2013
AREA 31, SIR's 49ers, Wednesday
Steve Cook's Fireside Lanes
By: Dick Martegani, Secretary/Treasurer
November 7th saw Cal Suan on top with a 247/658 score. Also over 600 were
Brent Soulis 210/605, Dick Brink 219/645, and super sub Wayne MacDonald
232/614. Good scores were posted by Dick Martegani 223, Larry Manwiller
220/595, Forrest Bryan 215, Joe Chabot 212, Art Tourtillott 204/594, Wayne Phil-
pot 207, Ski Dubrosky 223, Bob Heck 205, Greg McAtee 238, Jim Rice 225/582,
John Ruprecht 213/587, Lee Marshall 226/593, Foster Maxwell 236/586, and Art
Hartwell 203.
Seven 600's were recorded Nov. 14th with Joe Chabot returning to the top with
a 246/681 score. Others were Dick Martegani 237/653, Gerry Sellnow 245/621,
Cal Suan 225/608, Dale Collette 218/615, Judd Jacober 224/656, and Dick Brink
243/672. Top results were posted by Hartley Hermansen 211, Disco Johnson
215/591, Larry Manwiller 211, Dick Gaspari 204/577, Larry Mustain 201/577, Art
Tourtillott 205/570, Dick Coleman 225/598, Bob Friend 210, Ski Dubrosky 203,
Lee Guzy 215, Jim Graves 224/585, Ron Vance 205, Jim Rice 214/594, and Frabk
Campa 205.
The day before Thanksgiving saw Larry Manwiller tie high series for the year
with 268/708. Well done Larry. 9 other SIR's topped 600 with Dick Martegani at
246/651, Cal Suan 241/676, Dale Collette 222/644, Al Bryan 216/623, Emory Ha-
worth 212/618, Dick Coleman 238/660, Bob Friend 228/614, Jim Rice 248/607,
and Dick Brink 246/660. High scores were by Jerry Centabar 212, Don Yarwood
213/573, Viv Jones 201, Larry Mustain 241, Joe Chabot 212/587, Art Tourtillott
204, Ski Dubrosky 224/581, Greg McAtee 232/596, and Judd Jacober 226.
The last Wednesday in November also had 9-600's and Larry Manwiller re-
peated on top with a 234/662 series. Following Larry were Hartley Hermansen
232/634, Dick Martegani 224/608, Cal Suan 216/625, Dale Collette 226/616, Bob
McCoy 212/609, Joe Chabot 227/625, Art Tourtillott 232/610, and Greg McAtee
227/609. Good results were posted by Lou Ramirez 226, Al Bryan 205/573, Jack
Hayes 203/575, Emory Haworth 208/588, Jimmy Johnson 223, Jim Graves 204,
Judd Jacober 212/582, Dick Brink 202, and John Ruprecht 204.
For more information about this sanctioned SIR league call Fireside Lanes 916-
More News...AREA 31 SIRs 49ers - Wednesday
Steve Cook's Fireside Lanes
By: Dick Martegani,Secretary/Treasurer
The first Wednesday in December saw Cal Suan break 700 again with a sweet
258/707 score. Cal improved his average to 202. Over 600 were Lou Ramurez
213/625, Larry Manwiller 232/637, Dale Collette 214/613, Forrest Bryan 229/613,
Alan Bryan 247/659, and Lee Marshall 242/607. Good scores were by Jerry Cen-
tabar 207, Dick Martegani 205/597, Gerry Sellnow 211, Don Yarwood 203, Bill
Pease 226/584, Dick Gaspari 213, Joe Chabot 222/593, Art Tourtillott 204/595,
Brent Soulis 207, Clark Hime 218, Dick Coleman 205, Bob Friend 201, Judd Jaco-
ber 204, Jim Rice 213, Dick Brink 223/580, John Ruprecht 201, and Don Dresbach
December 12th had Frank Campa rise to the top at 238/659. Also topping 600
were Cal Suan 233/619, Al Bryan 237/644, Joe Chabot 224/639, Art Tourtillott
225/637, and Wayne Philpot 222/645. Top results were posted by John Spisak
211, Dick Martegani 212, Gerry Sellnow 210, Ballard Arant 200, Larry Manwiller
233/591, Bob McCoy 216/586, Forrest Bryan 213, Jack Hayes 205, Paul Gomez
210, Harold Williams 227, Ski Dubrosky 210, Jim Graves 204, Ron Vance
206/575, Greg McAtee 206, Dick Brink 205, John Ruprecht 203/594, Lee Marshall
200/593, Art Hartwell 202, and Wayne MacDonald 224.
8- 600's were recorded on the last bowling Wednesday of the year, the 19th,
with Carl Dupins scorching the lanes at 236/678. Also over 600 were Al Bryan,
just missing a perfecto, with 290/650, Art Tourtillott 256/629, Wayne Philpot
232/619, Dick Coleman 235/620, Greg McAtee 227/646, Dick Brink 216/613, and
John Ruprecht 247/659. Other good scores were by Lou Ramirez 237, Dick
Krause 212, Larry Manwiller 227/595, Cal Suan 211/591, Dale Collette 201, Bill
Pease 200, Emory Haworth 213, Joe Chabot 225/597, Harold Williams 205, Jim
Graves 211, Art Hartwell 211, and Don Dresbach 226/592.
The first half finished on January 02 with team # 12, Fool's Gold, winning the
championship by defeating team #6, Mother Lode, letting team # 5, the Nuggets,
move into second place. Members of the Fool's Gold team are Dick Coleman,
Bob Friend, Harold Williams, and Ski Dubrosky. Nugget teammates were Jack
Lottritz, Vic Jones, Disco Johnson, and Larry Manwiller. Larry Manwiller also had
the high series for the day with a 235/675 score. Over 600 were Lou Ramirez
234/657, Cal Suan 223/632, Art Tourtillott 245/652, Ski Dubrosky 213/604, and
Greg McAtee 236/612. High scores were posted by Johnny Butler 202, John La-
Point 213, Hartley Hermansen 204, Dick Martegani 232, Don Yarwood 212, Vic
Jones 203, Rich Lundy 206, Dale Collette 246/587, Bob McCoy 237, Forrest Bryan
238, Al Bryan 233/595, Bill Pease 208/584, Paul Gomez 214, Emory Haworth 230,
Larry Mustain 211/571, Jimmy Johnson 210, Joe Chabot 203, Chuck Craig 200,
Wayne Philpot 206, Bob Friend 222, Harold Williams 210/588, Jim Graves 200,
Benny Benson 222, Judd Jacober 240, Jim Rice 220/588, John Ruprecht 216, Lee
Marshall 234/598, Foster Maxwell 207, and Don Dresbach 216.
Moreno Valley Seniors Strike
By: Frank Weiler
MORENO VALLEY - Keith Flowers and Lovie Cloman lead the strike parade in
the Young At Heart League. Keith is the top guy with a 222 average, while Lovie
is the top gal at 179.
Some of the other granddad's who are doing well are: R.J. Jackson (219 aver-
age), Ike Horn (219), Dave Smith (215), Lee Skipo (215), Eugene Johnson (212),
and Dino Dennis (210). My old friends Marv Egeland (207), Will June (203), Jim
Koenings (203) and Jimm Crump (187) are also doing well.
The ladies next in line after Lovie are: Nedra Cooper (169) and Wendy Kading
(169). High scores by the ladies include Kading's 629 series,
Cloman's 596 and Mae Hampton's 568. The highest games were recorded by
Cooper (224) and Hinid Sanders (210).
The best scores recorded by the guys include Robert Allen's 300, Eugene John-
son's 270 and Gary Wooley's 268. Allen's 728 and Keith Flowers 719 are the top
55 And Holding
By: Correen Edgerly
The New Year has officially started
and so have the second halves of the
league. The seniors have switched
ends of the house but the scores
posted have not seen a change but are
still has terrific as always.
Week number one Tim Taggart
posted a 257 in the Monday Senior A’s,
also in this league was Ron Taylor 256,
Frank Klo 247, and Frank Hinojosa
In week number two we had Les
Price with a 267, Dave Persinger 258,
Sam Loftus 256, Bill Lautenschlager
246, Dee Price 2471 and Bob Smith
241 all in the Monday Seniors. Ron
Delucchi posted a 288 and Frank Klo a
248 both in the Thursday Seniors,
Week number three in the Monday
Seniors we had Joe Stone Jr. with a
269, Bill Clavin 257, and Bill Lau-
tenschlager 255. Larry Ortiz rolled a
247 in the Lucky Seniors. Tim Taggart
posted a 259, Frank Hinojosa a 257,
Bill Lautenschlager a 247 and Robert
Curry a 245 all in the Thursday Seniors.
Last but not least week number four
had Ron Delucchi with a 269 game and
730 series in the Monday Seniors. Also
in the Monday Seniors were Bill Lau-
tenschlager 267 718, Frank Hinojosa
267, Tim Taggart 259, Dee Price 255,
and Bob Smith 246. Wayne Bundy
rolled a 243 in the Lucky Seniors. Bill
Lautenschlager posted a 299 748 in the
Thursday Seniors, Archie Archibeque
had a 255, Brada Penberthy 246, Doug
Borst 244 and Ron Mendoza 243.
Wonderful to all of the seniors and
until next month may the pin fall be with
Monday Senior A
(Week #1): Angel Marie Thomas 214.
(Week #2): Angel Marie Thomas 215.
(Week #3): Roger Carlson 217.
Monday Senior B
(Week #1): Chuck Hatler 221 and
Fumiko Trull 203.
(Week #2): Chuck Hatler 221, Dan
Jerger 214, Fumiko Trull 206.
(Week #3): Bob Vimini 205.
(Week #4): Ron Reece 208, Chuck
Hatler 208, Ben Silva 204, Dan Jerger
Lucky Seniors
(Week #1): Joe Stone Jr. 233,
Wayne Bundy 228, Roger Carlson 208.
(Week #2): Wayne Bundy 223.
(Week #3): Wayne Bundy 216.
(Week #4): George Bauserman 210.
Thursday Senior A
(Week #2): Jim Paul 237, Jerry Lean-
dado 225, Linda Calvert 222.
(Week #3): Larry Ortiz 235, Norma
Brown 222, Lloyd Logan 217, Cheryl
White 214.
(Week #4): Dave Morgan 234, Roy
Castellon 210, Danny Caruso 208.
Thursday Senior B
(Week #2): Daisy Bringman 233 and
Doug Borst 229.
(Week #3): Fred Campbell 219.
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